
9/25/2024 – An important message from the MGT Coordinator, Baron Piers Simmons…

Meridian Grand Tournament 2024 has been CANCELLED.

Good evening, Meridies.

His Grace Duke Wolfstan, Kingdom Seneschal, and I are sorry to announce that for the safety of the Kingdom populace, we are canceling Meridian Grand Tournament this year do to the weather issues related to Hurricane Helene. We believe this will be the best for the Kingdom at this time.

My first job as the MGT coordinator is to make sure everyone in attendance is supplied a safe site to have the event. At this time, my concern is that it might not be safe to travel to the event. I know some people will not agree with our decision to cancel, and that is your right. I thank you for your love of the game.

Yours in service to the Dream,

Baron Piers Simmons
MGT Coordinator 2024


Refund requests must be received by midnight, October 9th. See refund page for details.


Meridians rally to your Crown, warriors don harness and helm, hoist your banners, put on your best household livery, grab your list tree shield, hold close the honor of your inspiration, and attend.

Come meet in open contest, the best fighters in the Kingdom and learn which combatants demonstrate the highest prowess, pageantry, and chivalry. Five Kingdom Orders will each sponsor a tournament challenge showcasing a different style. Winners in each style will proceed, with selected others, to meet on the Grand Field to determine the Grand Champion of Meridies.

In Chivalric fashion, all fighters are encouraged to bear a token of the gentle that inspires them to great deeds of arms. All good gentles are encouraged to bring a token and present it to a warrior to inspire them for the day. Fighters please bring your list tree shields so that all may know and honor those that contest on this field of valor.

MGT 2024 Event Flyer

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